Methods of making various peanut butter

Peanut butter has rich fragrance of fried peanuts. It is a table food with nutritional value and health benefits. Eat peanut butter regularly can reduce blood pressure and blood fat. It has supportive therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of regenerative anemia and diabetes and also help to sleep. There are many methods for peanut butter production. The following is an  introduction of methods for making various kinds of peanut butter:

Nuts peanut butter:
Peanut kernels, sesame seeds, American almonds, melon seeds, olive oil, salt, chicken essence, sugar of right amount. 
Peel the peanut kernels and add a little salt, chicken essence, sugar, black sesame seed, American almond and melon seeds into the peanut butter machine to grind into fine powder;
Heat a little olive oil and add to the material that has been prepared. Stir evenly and bottling.

Nuts peanut butter

Sesame peanut butter:
500 grams of peanut kernels (raw), 500 grams of sesame, 160 grams of salt.
Wash and dry the peanut kernels, then put them into the pot and fry with soft fire to eight mature, rub off the peels and blow off. 
Mix the fried sesame with peanuts, then put them into the peanut butter machine and grind into fine powder. Fry and dry the refined salt.
Put peanut sesame powder and salt into a vat and pour 10 kilograms of cold drinking water into it and stir evenly. Then, seal the vat.

Honey peanut butter:
1 cup of fresh peanuts, 2 spoons of olive oil, honey or 2 spoons of sugar.
Wash the peanuts and fry over slow fire (avoid scorched flavor), and grind into peanut butter with peanut butter machine. 
Take a few olive oil into the peanut butter to make its color slightly lighter, then add honey (sugar) and stir evenly with peanut butter;

Blend the peanut oil into murky material with the blender. Grind the chopped peanuts added with powdered sugar into fine and smooth paste and add peanut oil slowly from the feed opening until it reaches a suitable viscosity. If you want to eat peanut butter with particles, add a little chopped peanuts of coarse grinding at last and blend for a while.

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